Repetition. Hones to a science, and then suffocates in its monotony.
I roll the topics out, they hit where they hit and I analyze the sounds they create.
Frustration sets in as recognition of repeated story-lines advance into new space.
This has got to stop. "This has got to lie down, with someone else on top..." -D Rice
Leave it up to the lyrics to nail down the point- creatively.
J.W. making the best sense in all of this. The tough route is the route for me
It is what I respond to best. It is the way I was raised and how I improve.
I will press on in that mindset as I know any other mindset appeals to me - less.
Structure, discipline, motivation, intensity, chunk after chunk of forced forward motion
This is what I know; this is what I identify with. Skirting around with anything else is laughable.
The older I get the more important this way of life becomes- asserting itself on me- daily.
Procrastination is a useless goo that crowds around all limbs and sets in like expensive cement
Destroying intention with muscle. One more year until 50 hits, what then will be my excuse?
Truth is - there are no excuses, there is only myself and what I am willing to tolerate from within.
Done with my opinion when it comes to the actions of others, it means zilch- end of story.
Concerning myself with my own Ethos is second only to breathing when it comes to this life.
That glorious compass within that I have never had to reason with, only have I ignored.
The days wane quicker now, and time eats more life at a faster pace each day.
That sill with preferred view comes when I create it and not a moment sooner.
The elbow has work to do and there ain't no time like the present.