Wednesday, March 23, 2022


 Crunch hard the monolith of hesitancy.

The purpose of plucking words will aid in which way, again?

Somehow the recognition of methods used, and how they have become overused,

Plays on no gain. No advancement, no clutching of ground gained.

No progress is no progress even when the dirty work of mental taxation is being paid.

I need a new detonator for this task at hand.

Before Spring springs sprouts of uncertainty, and they root in spoiled soil.

Par for the course of managing disarray

I need to plug in and commit to the louder bombs within my range

That open and blare the philosophical nuggets of purpose

That seed in my psyche and wait for proper watering.

Yes, that's it, there, there where the moisture needs moistening

On the planted path of worthy aggression and chosen sills.

Tuesday, March 22, 2022


 Lap against  these ears, came the sound of foamy lather

No shells decorating the shore.

Browned shins and reddish forearms soaking up the sun

As layers of the moment before my eyes were focused on, intently.

Crisis among the ranks as the timing of what comes next - confers

An offer to collapse among trees and less worry, and arms eager for the bending.

Where am I in the mix of these details that swirl?

Thicker skins revolt against the ease of easy, as there is, no easy.

A prick to the heart distracts, racy pulse and heated pressure

Rise before words gain volume, and the turning to prayer


What is there to believe in between us, when the core of you doubts?

The head and the heart have known decades deep

The wonder and awe of what comes next...

This, the elementary spiritual gauge

I run ahead.


 No guarantees. Living the life before our eyes, in front of our face.

Uncertainty is the banner of the helpless and in times of trouble, flown high

Anything to distract the worry from center-stage and into a place of confinement.

Protein, enzyme, blood draw... the vital statistics are spelling conditions

The Patriarchal head of our table is under duress.

Prayers be strong and forthright, keep our dearest safe.

Saturday, March 19, 2022


 Catastrophizing - what does it mean?

The Bay, held fast long enough for the next bout to attack.

Tone deaf rhythm to stay the mood away, until it hits in orchestrated intention.

Megahertz manipulating senses into a frenzy of luscious imaginings.

The gorge holds mass enough to spread the separation between action and attendance

With a  wake wide enough to derail deep-rooted motivation/intention

And it must be swallowed effectively, devoured from a place of rancour

Good enough to instigate moves that are no longer accidental, but purged hard

And taken. Taken out to pasture where rot is the next phase,

As layers of dreaming un-peel themselves from a vision board as praise follows action.

Wednesday, March 16, 2022

New Mex

 No edit past the closing of the last hour

These eyes watch the feet and the hands of the self 

Walking and waking through life

Carrying the weight of the interior, cautioning risk, carting out exposure.

Rotating panels of unfinished to purposefully annoy the incomplete in me.

Tasks, after all, are only that. Tasks. I am not the tasks set before me,

However, I am the word I gave, to any and all that asked, upon which, I agreed to.

Coughing up guttural complaints, exacerbating my maxed procrastination levels

Who am I beyond the wheel I was yesterday, ten months ago, a half life ago?

The dirt from another State, underfoot. My shoes, smothered

Kicked, skipped, climbed, canoodled... Moseying into a monsoon  summer

Of permanency.

Eclectic tomorrow, with your neighbor scarce living conditions

I am coming for you.

For your trees, your birds, your windy howl.

For your high desert blooms, Russian sage, and jagged musculature.

To claim your heady perfumes,

Sweetened sweater weather,

...and invitations, so bright.

To lure and lay down with

So many warm Tuesdays and Sundays

...and hand held genius 'thank you's...'

Built on the hearth of firm choosing.

Tea and tactile amusement

Will count the hours moving forward

As the lightest hues of lavender dusk

Pervade the open night.

Tuesday, March 15, 2022

Watermelon for Dessert

Newness afoot, transitioning into evidence

Proof of motivation, visual disruption, upon first inspection.

Speaking to self, I reconfigure the path to take, or rather, the path I make

To land me in an 'elsewhere'.

The elsewhere of last eve, taunting me all day

An intimate rendition of something teased

To trick me into hitting replay

Whenever the murmur of memory strikes.

How would Montreal tackle these musings?

With an even more wrinkled finger, poked into my face?

His white fur, molting, with no more use to expound,

Having exhausted the might of his misery on the echo of nothing.

I am admittedly pissed. His abandonment of our dialogue has been noted.

Though ample warning was given, I dismissed so many of the signs 

Distracted under the guise of 'busy' and 'responsible'.

The male animal brain attempted to connect

And succeeded.

Who will I become from here into the now?

Into the next?

Into November 2028?

Ten years it will have been, past the 'night of highest achievement' was reached

Dining on the intellect of Alpha Prime.

The woe of the hour, now lost on the recanting of such an impossible event.

Retained in memory, words that I needed more, than the reason of the hour.

Watermelon dessert served, post- assertion.

The circle has no ending, says the lid of the cup,

And the pull into the moment- thrice served, x's 3.

It was the unexpected dinner of a lifetime, My Lifetime.

The one and only time 

My palette, eyes, ears, hands, and heart, 

Ever truly




Packaged in a file, in a cabinet, in a room that is locked

In my head.

Yes, you are there, yes, I am 1/2 to this pair, and, yes

Starvation subsides, on itself, fed with nothing, a hole - eaten.

This is by design. Regardless of the annoyance behind that fact,

Design it is and design it has been and designed it will remain.

Until such a time when the 1/2 to the hole presents an opportunity

And I choose to no longer remain complacent,

Or blind.

And I instead, opt to 
