Sunday, December 6, 2020


Existing to squeeze
All sour from sockets.
Pause, placed nowhere. 
The timing is

Salutation, unacknowledged. 
Inner vibrating, augmenting

This diagnosis should make sense
To none, 
Save the soul that prepares 
The Self
For intermediate conceptions 
Devoid of validation. 

Stripping seams 
Slitting beams 
Undermining crude effigies
Built once, when the clamoring
Was bold. 

The echo faintly dreams 
For memory to mentor excuses 
Boldness transformed, 
Into injections long deployed
To care nothing
For 'their' cause. 

Clandestine meetings occurred
While weary shoulders slept,
To guard and stand watch
Over shattering bits of injured

The Might and the Moral
Choked Sensitivity's gust
Leading the pilot to steer
More boldly, 
To studier worlds. 
Devoid of floral essence
In tangible form. 

Vulnerable platitudes, 

Monday, November 23, 2020


 "...I wanted you to know my head."

Words, saturated. Stippling the layers

Of every fucking all that I know.

No hyphens, no conjugation,

Direct, clear, sung with indifference.

Into the right, into the left, pouring in slowly, thickly, 

With unintentional purpose.

That metaphorical grain of sand, invisibly planted

Melted on its own, to procure a meaning, pure

To know, to nod to no one, to know the dots connect

To substantiate nothing but itself, in the long hall of one mind

My own.

As sinus cavities blare

With barometric oomph,

I fucking bang my feelings,

Against the rockiest miseries.

I do this,

Languish in the moodiest halls

They are familiar to me,

And in that familiarity, I find a kinship 

To the grief.

How daring it is to acknowledge difficulties

To assign their due, their reasoning, their

Incontrovertible definitions.

To own and take into account, all I expect of who I am

And all I am willing to do, to rise to challenges,

No matter their level of uncontrollably fucked variables.

Duty. Responsibility. Loyalty. Commitment.

Willingness. Accountability.


The order in which these attributes derive their purpose.

To who does this contemplation belong?

Self, is a beast, with candor, unmatched.

The highest form of monogamy.

The ultimate sacrifice to obtain solace fed from completion

Of all I have in mind,

And all I swap in exchange for that freedom.

Worth the effort/trouble/trade/tirade/gamble?

Fuck yes.


Ask me again in a week,

When the night gets long and the shadows pour 

Onto me, into me, open wounds, intimate witnesses

That ooze with internal cream

And wail over the wonder

Of Genital Solitude.

Tuesday, November 17, 2020

Dutch Goat

Neck noodling
Hip spooling 
Wrapped, in whiskers 
In whiny moan, in
Earthy, deep tone. 

Moistened smile
Pondering the Zoom
The invasion of
Your space. 


Bubble, magnetized
Dreamt in daylight
And though, 
Processes hurl, 
I focus there
An inch below your nose
Where sound eschews 

Tongues, might


Sunday, October 18, 2020


 That Bovine Husk

Was made for Dusk, 

And all the trappings 

...of a pre-dawn 


Friday, September 11, 2020

We Speak

Dry morning ignites the queue
Of all I ask of me. 
Equitable maneuvering
Administered devoutly
To erect a day worthy of rest. 
The two handed swivel
Begets a function best kept
To lure the needs of yesterday
Into remission. 

Let's do this. 

Saturday, August 15, 2020


Slowed by the heat, the distance
The circumstance. 
The wonder of strength
Love, loyalty, life in service
Care to caretakers
Whose moonlighting days
Are far long gone. 
Mother, may I treat you in trust, in love
In dignity?
This daughter serves in stoicism
Direct and persevering. 
Committed to the length of her road. 
Built tough, determined, 

Time, trading these travelers 
Weary yet unwavering
To sleep in the softness of their duty, performed. 

Monday, August 10, 2020

Among the Nameless

Unwritten candor
Candor, too kind. 
Truth, belligerent
Unfeeling, maligned. 
Bubble of air surrounding
Ears, nose, and throat. 
Specifications seek wildness
To unfold the disfigured conformist.

Dry land, dusted warm stone
Reverence here, exists
In all the unseen notions
Of nature's unlimited offering. 
On couplings of sky and insect
Never known before to the sigh of man. 

There is eloquence
In the water, made to pool from rain
The trust in thunderstorms 
That lightning may follow to feed the eyes
Craving electric delight. 
To roam on plains untouched
Home to weed and wildflower alike
Naked and unknowing
Vulnerable to all, yet oblivious to the wake. 

Dawn demands daylight
To waltz the wind without windowpane
To nurture light through dappled patterns
As unnamed artists reap unlimited gain
Basking on plains that exist without time
Or the effort of elbow that seek any gain. 
The language here, desist of script
Leaves nothing behind;
No ink exists to define these points
Lit by heavens, above earthly delight

To be born is the benefit of existence
Yet to swim in tides of greed and gain
Limit all points of engagement. 

Luster lives on the leaves, as they whisper
Amongst themselves, and the flowers
Love penetrates all thickness
And manner of skin, when backed by volume
Simmering sweetly to yield deep flavor
To emanate warmth, and deep meaning. 
To guide sun into pores, filling their pots
Thickly, fully, sweetly. 

This is the hand I have chosen
To boldly romance the fiber of my being. 
I have widened understanding 
In ways, unmatched. 
To have opened all ports to freedom
And welcomed growth without expectation. 
Partnered to Self.

Tuesday, March 24, 2020

Enfold You

Onto this place
Where the fitting feels - intended
These grooves between us
Clicked smoothly, 
In unspoken

Cared for. 

Hinting at nothing
Short of, 
"I know"

Tuesday, March 10, 2020

Do You

Read of what is felt?
Has the radar of sensibilities 
Brought these words to your door?
In the knowing, often, I am found. 
Then too, surmise that that very transference
May never be known. 
But to two, 
The you and this I. 

Monday, March 9, 2020

With Me

Sit with me, that I may know the warmth
In your care. 
Nearby, within audible reach
To profoundly absorb
The meaning in candor. 
The relevance of juxtaposition
More needed now, 
Than ever. 

Crushed to know
The ability to close gaps
Ever remains, widening
These are scorching times of uncertainty
They must be sorted as is
In time, with practice, 
In solitude. 

I am hard to crack to my own self
A sewer of skins, stubborn, removed. 
Pushed out to farthest pastures 
The staff of my own leading
Beating me now. 
Truth to be told, in this place
The hardness of who I am, 
Begs for softening. 
For sweetening, 
For sensitivity
To be held. 

Wednesday, February 26, 2020


Found along the way 
Trinkets of sentimentality
Sweetly placed nearby. 
Soft and sewn from years ago
Surrounded by ocean treasure, and
Wooden whispers. 

There is the flow of organza
Easily read in the knots and the burl.
Placeholders brought 
To continue dialogue found along pathways
That declare creativity be pursued 
As often as humanly possible. 

Tuesday, February 25, 2020


What is 
The algorithm of my moodswing?
Can there be such things
As to protect and serve
What's best for my chemical content?
Autonomy befits the body
In ways, everlasting.
To control breathing
To the extent that it's involuntary 
Is nothing to scrutinize. 
What if time were indeed consciously spent 
On the mapping of mood
And manipulation of such?

How long before obsessive deliberations 
Induce a collective 'backing off'
To numb oneself of the 'responsibility'?

These tangents
They both bore and entice
And seemingly only during periods of time
Where further examination is

Saturday, February 22, 2020


Dawn is kind, gentle-hued
No motives but to welcome day
Gentility proffered to those
Who wake in silent gratitude
For what life gives without asking. 

Tuesday, February 18, 2020


On the trail to 'something'
From hence and whence it comes
To sniff the longevity of these potentials
Without snuffing their need to be
And what of satisfied and all its fillings
Would that we could,  
Cavort with the dreaming...
Without maligning the structure of
Civility to Self, to needs, wants, wishes
Maslow's hierarchy, tumbling. 

Where did he factor in the undermining
Of individualistic trade?
That strong be the need to provide warmth
At the cost of the swapping of 'needs'?

I need more, Maslow, more 
Than surface-present particulars 
And the conditional understanding 
Appealing most to many. 

The roar of my agitation, 
Befits the bellows of Outer Space. 

Monday, February 17, 2020


Wake in silence
Wake in dubious headspace
Wake in the chill, 
Of one. 
Minute quotients of existence
Excavate without prompt
The ignored rebellion lives, though 
Mute it remains. 

Give power to life
To time spent in service, in duty
In refuge. 
In love. 
Solitude, the pariah to the self
As known preferences clamor, consistently 
Reasoning stands its ground, corrupted
Only slightly, by strong, "what if's"

As I have stated plainly to this self, 
'Fuck' those doldrums, enough, to veto
The chatter of the body's lament...
In this now, this is my chosen 'order'.
And yes, I know, all too well, this method is Painstakingly chosen, 
It does little to stem the flow of continued
Abrupt- disgust. 

Thursday, February 13, 2020

Detectable Idle Chatter

Let us no longer pretend
What we know to be true
What we feel without fail
What we hunt for in our stillness
In our silence, 
In our truth. 

I dream of you when, 
I let go. 

I explore your presence, daily. 
You land everywhere, 
Confident, strong, tutorial. 

Enough with ambivalent decay
The cortex welcomes you, encourages, you
Needs - You. 

Live here with me, as you have been
Come less, come more, just Come.
The dubious explorations persist
The boom of your delivery, Timeless

I will welcome you Always
Amidst idle chatter, titles and all constraints. 
You, plus Me, equals - Best. 


Wednesday, February 12, 2020

What to Do

Humiliation creeps, up, into secret creatures
Shaming them where they hide. 
Given away by undefined behaviors, 
Tucked in tight, betrayed. 
Ownership remains sightless 
Admittedly stunned in horror
To be delicately called out this way
Regardless of how soft, the whisper. 

Aged, another lifetime
In this postabsorption state.
How to rectify this fucking humiliating place 
That I have designed, some 8 years deep. 
Single, I have remained, 
Murmuring little in defense of my reasoning
And now therapy sought to alleviate
Rears deep, ugly heads snarling at discovery. 

Weeping serves to turn the heat into steam
The steam, again, giving weight to reality
That in this trade of time swapped for focus
I emanate loss through my silent skin. 
Expression of senses, plays out scientifically
Without hesitation. Hypothesis confirmed. 
Hope does little to stem deep-rooted need
To touch and be touched, remains the answer. 

Tuesday, February 11, 2020


And what of outlook, when
Known contributions donate wholly
To the tone of what comes next?
Coagulating noise becomes the burden
Of the hour, when
Repeatedly I acknowledge
The better process to practice. 

And yet here I am
Centerstage in the swarm of monotonous
Books strewn about, waiting 
For inky stroking...
To light the fire of incandescence 
And burn away old and flaky skins
That coat the conscience 
In misery. 

Monday, February 10, 2020

To The Moment

Indigenous to the moment
Distractions eradicate
Lost to the quotient of 'unfinished'.
Words, they evaporate 
Leaving me to wonder
How my foolishness made way
For potency to grow bored, 
And disappear. 

These pockets of time, of feeling
Leave, in their lost spaces
Holes filled with doubt. 

Love, is desirous, for more, than the return
Of itself. 
It carves a dungeon
To house the skin-crawling singularity
Of limbs wrapped to themselves. 

It will placate cave-dwelling 
As the ideal home for cerebral sludge
A worthy backdrop for the heart and the head
To bang out their reasoning
Their deviations, 
And their docile resistance 
To work in unison, 
Stoic trophies
That serve noble purpose 
But do little
To soften
As years  speed and slide
Slowly by. 

Wednesday, February 5, 2020

No Record

Time, exploded
Propulsion of days
Zipped, then zoom. 
A labyrinth of hours
Behind me now
Like weather in unknown worlds. 

Wednesday, January 29, 2020


Typing, thinking, maneuvering hours
A desk built for process. 
Mood, undecided. 

Monday, January 27, 2020

To Heart

Found in what is
A moment
Spent in comfort
Safety, provided. 
Into contentedness
Resilience deems fit
Introversion, and
How that came
To be. 
Deeming fit also, 
The reasons for why
It will continue. 
Roadmap to serenity
Keeps skin aglow, and
Hearts high on sweetness. 
Coasting in
Respect, and
Life, precious
Beyond words. 

Sunday, January 26, 2020


Detailed movement that I am wishing
To not be a part of. 
Public idiosyncrasies that are inherently
None of my business, 
Kept that way. On purpose. 
Antisocial circle, of one. 

A Sunday spent too close to
The nearby noise - of others. 

Around, everywhere, disinterest, 

Had I ever suspected that invisibility might
Undermine the allure
Of everything 'known'.

I am older. 
Intolerant perhaps
Of including others
On this horizon I've been living with
Muted in diligence. 

Solitude is my catalyst
Of discovery befitting of time
Time to donate to unearthing more reams 
Of who I am, and what I have
Become, and
Have been

Friday, January 24, 2020


Coagulated potential, pooling
Lumps of unused ardor 
Transformed into mania, 
Then plastic, then agitation. 



Linear movement
Backflips into yesterday
Leaning into lucid dreams
Of chivalrous thickness. 

My lower throat, 

Thursday, January 23, 2020


Of each other we are perfect 
The grooves fit and fill each quarry
And in the snugness of our fitting
We descend upon elation. 

A tone perfected in the solitude we own
Unshared, uncharted, undulating
Respected mores even amongst
Societal rot.

Then 3am came, and with it- You
Your thickness, your customs, your chivalry
Your projected gentlemanly considerations...

This is not the time, nor the place
For anything but-
The animal in you. 

Let the dream carve us open,
To feast without expectation
Amidst the landscape of our bodies. 

Judged by the potency
Of appetite. 

Wednesday, January 22, 2020

12 Minutes

To carve a niche 
Into morning
Lead to night. 
Folded nuance
Whispers reminders from nearby
To firm up endings
And send them on their way. 
To Taos and the snow
To travel up that winding road
Alongside rapids that whirl, 
Wrangling in their foam and froth
Melted venues, dispersed. 

Tuesday, January 21, 2020


Reaching for distraction
To invite loss
Spilling moments sideways
Into the abyss
Of unmarked time. 

This desire
Necessitating the urge
To pluck and procure
One morsel to quantify

Collecting only courtesy
Storing unshaven smiles
Insisting on, 'imagined' connections
Knowing full well 
'It's there'.

Keeping warm on ideas
Promising 'soon' is nearby
Giving wind to sails of false bravado
While slinking into oodles of, 
'Business' as usual. 

The double hug was real
Thrice it reached back in
A year and a few ago, widening out 
Rounding the quotient of infinity
Between us. 

Nailed into permanent memory

Sunday, January 19, 2020


Dissection of cells reveal naught 
The intention instigates purely, 
Master scheme designations
Do not fail. 
Indigenous components wake
Once inhalation renounces 

There exists an aroma 
That words wish they were capable
Of articulating,  to prove
This brand of willingness 
Whose inception, devoid of the mind
Encourages wholly
The fuck. 

Unknown to itself
Surrenders all physical senses
To pay homage
To the infinite glory of
Animal attraction. 

I remember being young
With honest wishes to obey confusing laws
The drums then were loud
Those grey areas
Were. Not. Grey. At all. 
But rather succulent shades of rouge 
To bruise. 

And there are bruises worth enduring 
To serve to remind
Of sleepless nights
Spent fucking 
The love of a lifetime. 

Saturday, January 18, 2020


The juiciest chunk
In limbo
In your throat 
Out, through
Your mouth
Teeth, lips
Sounded out,

Friday, January 17, 2020

Hard Hat

Passed you, quickly
Past glee and into
Unshaven smile
In- to- me
Stuck- to- me

Wednesday, January 15, 2020

Warm Grit

Low pulse heating
Cooing dark boxes, bleating
Dreams of queued repairs
Acquiring the assistance needed
Debunking the REM

Two moons, reflected
Ceiling tapped, a stranger- collected
Hyphenated hesitancy
These characters deride incision,
To "fuck no" the noun,  presented. 

The 'he' he once was
Presenting resolute function
Tools strapped, utility performed
Stature booming beside forgivable tone
But this dream is,  just that. 

I smell a silent rant
Initiating discovery and getting in like smoke
Yet what I want least 
Is fire in the house we've built
Too long gone to welcome the inhale. 

Tuesday, January 14, 2020


There are days
When the nettles pass
The sensitive swelling reveals
New layers, 
Of sweet square inch
Desirous of daylight 
To quiet the inaudible mewling. 

In years we deal
Trading completion of tasks
For satisfactory grinding
Laying to rest - life. 

The grey pages come and go 
The pink too.
The solitude serves purpose
As the imagination bridges the gap
Between duty and demand. 

Monday, January 13, 2020


In a whirl
The seconds continue
Without regard
For anything. 
Time, effusive

Sunday, January 12, 2020


Rivulets of empty memory
The use in certain longing promotes 
Visual prompts toy with restraint-
And the wind begins to howl, 
Once more. 

Saturday, January 11, 2020


A simple bending
These signs of life 

Dubious dreaming
Of savory times
An old friend 
Caring, kind. 

Friday, January 10, 2020


In this house of mettle and bone
We find ourselves doused
In curiosity. 
The felt and found aspects
Circling in unison
Tidbits transpire in the inhaled minutiae 
Of what is and what might be. 

Thursday, January 9, 2020


Dew dipped
Broken era
And yet, 
Hasten to correct

Imperceptible crossing
Dilatant mutterings increase
The tenant below

Wednesday, January 8, 2020


Study of planes 
Intersecting life
Inhabited organs
Disclosure of inherited tendencies 

Tuesday, January 7, 2020


Bloom the darkness
Into sea without limit
Expand finite life
Up and out, omniscience foreseen
To travel up, to travel out 
Branding slippery sand


Racing towards the sun
Glowing horizons
Gifted distance
High places hugging hills
Where no names
Knew wintry utterances

Time begone
The breathe of centuries. 

Sunday, January 5, 2020


Inexplicable things
Defy attempts
It is enough to remain, 

Saturday, January 4, 2020


Love is not fictitious
It has power, weight, ferocity
Modes, unlimited.

It's the murderous scream of uncertainty
The jugular twitch that anxiety brings

Friday, January 3, 2020


Stoic, intentional
Unrepentant in its scale 
The Lone Star grieves for nothing
Tenured to the beauty
Of massive skies and space. 

Green expanse, unlimited. 
The bang for the buck hits Low
Longhorns and grapefruit
Distinct and respected. 
The oil below, the gold of the valley. 
There is a muggy awareness, 
An almost sticky undertone
Of brown skin divvying the dues 
And condescension lurking. 
Deep pockets buying liberty. 

Thursday, January 2, 2020

Slow Rush

Into the hours
Of days spent in devotion
Life of the living, strained 
A starboard sailor 
Adrift on the sea of oath 
For better or worse
He's sold. 

The truest trust, exists
The lifelong breed is rarity
Beyond all treasure of comprehension. 
Religion aside
A union divine. 

Wednesday, January 1, 2020


Begin again
Misshapen hourglass

Inglorious methodology 
Navigating the high sea

Scurrilous rambling
Slow-moving scuffle

She slumbers 
Cut away unknowingly

Love crowding 
Aiding in empathy 

Life beguiled 
Contextual data 


Axis unending
Pivot table of trauma
Fluctuating daily. 
Somewhere, a ledger sits
Waiting on a timeline
For an ending.